An Online Journey Through Lent

The Seed of Joy

Resources from Barn Geese Worship have shaped our thinking this Lent. Among their helpful observations: "Lent is more than somber penitence." and "Over and over throughout this season, scripture points us toward the deep joy with which God responds to creation, and invites us to respond to God in turn." Some ways we do that are in practices like prayer, fasting, and generous living. Here are some ideas for a weekly rotation you might use this Lent to tend joy in your life. Mix it up a little, and maybe even talk with others about how it's going for you. What works for you? What's hard?

Rhythms suggested for the week:

Sundays, reflect on scripture on your own or in worship
Mondays, pray the news (we even have a podcast to get things going)
Tuesdays, think about ways you notice God's presence in your life or in the world around you
Wednesdays, fast from something that you use to make time pass more quickly or something that distracts you 
Thursdays, focus on gratitude for someone or something
Fridays, live generously in some new way today
Saturdays, connect with creation

Podcast for Lent •

Podcast for Lent •

We’re releasing a new podcast over Lent called Praying the News. Each episode focuses on discussing recent headlines and offering prayers or meditations related to the topics covered. This podcast aims to provide a unique perspective on the news, blending journalism with faith-based reflections to encourage listeners to engage with the world around them in a more thoughtful and prayerful way.